kaiyun体育 好意思国财政部暗示,将对 500个与俄罗斯有干系的个东谈主和团体本质制裁

发布日期:2024-03-05 11:39    点击次数:178

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu presents his cabinet with a proposal that sets the country's post-war plans for Gaza.


In South Korea, President Park Yong-ran of the Korean Nursing Association urges doctors to end their strike to safeguard the lives of citizens.


A United States Treasury official says the U.S. will place sanctions on 500 individuals and groups linked to the Russian government.

好意思国财政部官员暗示,好意思国将对 500 名与俄罗斯政府有干系的个东谈主和团体本质制裁。

And a U.S. spacecraft built by the private company Intuitive Machines lands on the moon, but controllers said it was sending weak signals back to Earth.

私营公司直观机器公司诞生的一艘好意思国航天器登陆月球kaiyun体育,但规章东谈主员暗示, 它正在向地球发送的信号很轻细。


